Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sunrise, Sunset

Here in the north, I've always thought the most spectacular sunrises and sunsets occur in the months of December and January. Fiery scarlets and golds to porcelain pale blues and mauves. 

Yesterday was no exception.

From the rising of the sun . . .
. . . to the going down of the same . . .

. . . the name of the Lord is to be praised.  ~ Psalm 113: 3

Yesterday's sunrise was brilliant and crimson. Most people have heard the old adage, "Red sky at morning, shepherds take warning," and believe it heralds ill weather. Even Jesus referred to the saying in Matthew 16:3. "And in the morning, it will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowring."

He was referring to the ability to read the weather, but remaining stubbornly ignorant of signs which help to discern the political or spiritual climate.

How is it relevant to our own lives? Do we see "a red sky in the morning" and descend into doom and gloom for the bad day that's sure to come? Sometimes, we are determined to be miserable and spin into despair anyway, even without any evidence of descending disaster. It's human nature.

But no matter the weather, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, no matter what the day brings, the name of the Lord is to be praised. We praise Him because He is good, not because our lives are good and everything is wonderful. Life is hard, and sometimes it hurts.

Give Him the glory due His name.  

Today . . . after yesterday morning's gorgeous red sky.

1 comment:

  1. What stark and beautiful contrasts! Your photography is phenomenal.



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