Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Stuck in the Mud

It's hard to believe that three short months ago, we were lamenting about the never-ending rainfall. How we needed to get the branding done. And crops planted.

The rain did go away. And stayed away. Except for a few miserly droplets, we've had nothing since June. We are running out of grass. Which is doable, because we can start bringing the cattle in closer and start feeding hay.

But we are running out of water, too. NOT so doable.

We use "dug-outs" for cattle water. There are over 120 of them on the ranch. Dug-outs are large man-made ponds that fill up with run-off water in the spring and are maintained with regular rainfall. But no rainfall means no run-off means no water for the cows. So the dug-outs are drying up.

Yesterday, a cow waded out too far in a mud-hole of a dug-out, and got herself stuck. I went along with The Cowboy, just for the drive, thinking to enjoy the fall colours.
What followed was a series of maneuvers involving a chain, a cable attached to the bumper of a pick-up truck, two lariats, two cowboys, and yours truly. I was given the dubious honour of driving the pick-up in reverse to pull the cow out. I could not see over the berm of the dug-out and so had no idea if Bossy was being sucked out of the mire or if she was cemented in place forever. The Cowboy waved his arms wildly in a series of gestures, the meanings of which were known only to him, and I translated the best I could.

First thing I know, The Cowboy started running, and then the other cowboy came skedaddling over the berm, followed by a very mucky, very angry cow. Bellowing furiously, she ran hard and fast, until she came to end of the line still attached to her. (Apparently, I missed the signal for "drive hard in reverse and then stop and drive forward so we can detach the line".)

I have to admit, I was frightened. I just knew that crazed cow was going to drag me through fences and forests and farms, and maybe all the way to the highway.)

Eventually, and this is where the lariats came in, she was roped down, loosed from the chain, and set free.

Not a word of thanks or farewell.
Horribly cliché, I know, but there is never a dull moment around here. If it isn't one thing, it's twenty others.

If you think of it, prayer for a little rainfall would be appreciated. Before the snow comes. Before the ground freezes.


  1. God, you ended our drought. Pour some their way, too. Thanks.

  2. That is one beautiful bovine there, after her lovely visit to the spa for her mud-treatment.

    May showers of blessing rain now fall.

  3. Wow--certainly isn't "tame" around your place. (: Prayers for rain!



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