Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Branding Day

Today was the third day of our 2012 branding season. So far, 550 babies have been branded, vaxed, tagged, and for the little boy calves, castrated. Just over 2000 calves left to go. Whew!

You might ask why we brand cattle. It's time-consuming, and no doubt it hurts those little duffers. It all seems rather archaic, even primitive. The reason is obvious. Identification of ownership. Yes, we could tattoo them. Or put a chip in them. But, if there's doubt about ownership, that cow, bull, steer, or heifer would have to be roped and wrangled to the ground. Or brought up to the barn and put through the chute. Brands can be easily read from a safe distance and that is paramount to the rancher or brand inspector.

Cattle (livestock) branding has been used to identify domesticated herd animals since Egypt 2700 B.C. But, it was not until A.D. 1541 that the Spaniard Hernado Cortez introduced the idea of branding to Europeans. Spanish brand designs such as those used by Cortez were very elaborate compared to the cowboy-preferred simple branding that took place on cattle ranches as the West was being developed in America. The ability to read the various cattle brands is termed "callin' the brand." Different Kinds of Cattle Brands
Our morning begins with gathering up all the cattle in the pasture designated to be branded that day. Often I go out with the cowboys and spend the hour or so while they gather reading or taking pictures. Enjoying the early morning calm before the rush.

The often despised dandelion, but a sunny, sweet place for the eyes and a bee's quest for nectar.

Once the cattle are in the pen, the fun begins.

You're going to do what? To little innocent us?
The newest cowboy gets ready to throw a loop . . .

. . . and succeeds!

Lunch time - Friends, food, and fellowship.
Let me be. I've had a hard day.
After we finished Field 9 today, my day continued with laundry, baking cookies and an apple crisp, watering the garden, and preparing supper. Now, I'm debating over a time out with a cup of tea or reading my book or just going outside to enjoy the sunshine. I think I can manage all three.

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